

Monday, March 7, 2011


Dear Friends & Family of Devin

Welcome to Devin's blog. We've created it to keep friends and family updated on Devin.

Visit often to read the latest entries, post a comment, or donate to help his family.

The Prosper Family


  1. Devin,
    You have been an example of humility and confidence as long as I've know you. Your sincerity and compassion have always been obvious. I know that with all of the positive memories of health and all the prayers coming your way you are going to kick this thing. Sincere gratitude and compassion for you and your family will be held in my prayers for you. You can do it!
    Your Friend

  2. Dear Devin,

    I have known you since I was eight years old. I will never forget how you would come to the family house on Milan and get me, Ethan, and Damon all in some creative martial arts holds...all at once! You were always someone I looked up to and admired for many reasons. Your strength and wisdom will overcome this temporary challenge life has put in front of you. See you soon!

    Love, Neel

  3. Dev
    I can't even write this without having tears in my eyes. You have always been someone I have looked up to and someone I consider as a brother and great friend. If there's anyone that can fight this, it's you. I appreciate you tons and you have made me a better person. You are always in our thoughts and prayers my friend! Your Friend, Damon Casabar.

  4. Devin,
    You know that I was always into health stuff, and have that blog I told you about, how I overcame atrial fibrillation. Just recently I discovered a website about pH balance in your body. I read in it that if your pH is 9.5 it will kill cancer cells! In it I found how you can bring your pH into the alkaline zone.
    Here is the site:

    You are in my prayers, my friend. Miss you here in the office. It was always nice to see you.

  5. Dev,

    We miss you here at Prosper and wish you and your family the absolute best!! You have been such a great support to everyone around you. I always left your office thinking to myself, "I wish I was more like Devin." You are such a good man and are loved and respected by all those that have been blessed to know you. You are in my prayers my friend!! You can beat this thing!!
    With Love,

  6. Devin,
    Thanks for being who you are. You have always been an example to me of someone that cared about the right things. In working with you, you showed me that it wasn't about the money the company was making, it was about how to help the student succeed. You also showed through action that it is important to help the employees to be happy that they were part of a company that really wanted to help others around them and to truly help those that were their students. You stand out because you really care, and not just try and act like you care. You have always done the right things for the right reasons. Thanks for being a standout in the crowd really having the right intent in your heart. My family will be praying for your and we wish you the best!

  7. Hi Devin, Just wanted you to know your family here in the southeast are thinking of you and your family and praying continuelly for you:) We love you so very much and wished we lived closer so we all could visit. Please know you all are always close in our hearts. Hoping and praying that the nausea and other side effects from the cemo and radiation has subsided some or at least more undercontrol. Love, Patty and Randy and family
