

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

March 30, 2011 - Update on Devin

During Devin's first week of chemo he woke up one Thursday morning around 7 am, not feeling at all well, and had a fever of 100. I checked his temperature again an hour later and by then it had gone up to 101.  His Doctors told us to call if the temperature reached that number. I promptly called the doctors office and they told us to come in.  

Damon came over and helped me take Devin in because he just wanted to stay in bed. His doctors and nurses did some blood tests and put him on oxygen.  They also sent him for a chest x-ray to make sure he didn't have pneumonia.  After deciding he didn't have pneumonia they discovered he did have an infection. They sent him to the hospital and started him on antibiotics.  They kept him in the hospital until Saturday and then sent him home with more antibiotics.  

Devin's mother and sister (with three of her kids) came from California to visit on Saturday for a few days. It was fun to see them and their visit was good for Devin.  

The next Monday morning the Doctor called and said they got the last blood test back and discovered that Devin had a staph infection.  So, they wanted us to watch his temperature closely and call if it went up again. If it did he would have to go back to the hospital.  

In the meantime he was now having pain in is right side by his ribs.  They have to keep adjusting his pain medicine as his pain increases.  He didn't have to go back to the hospital but he has not felt too well.  He has been nauseous and in pain. Thankfully, we are finally starting to get the pain under control and his Doctors gave him a different nausea medicine to try.  

He goes to radiation every morning Monday through Friday.  

Thanks for all your love and prayers. We really appreciate them.

Julie Willis

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Devin Update

Devin started his chemo and radiation treatments on Monday. It was a long day spending most of it at the doctors getting the first of two chemo drugs, medicine for nausea, and special fluids to help prevent kidney damage.  He was sent home with a fanny pack pump with the other chemo medicine which will keep putting the chemo drug into him. He wears that until Friday.  Then he was off to get his first radiation treatment.  When he got home he was tired but actually had a better night then he has had in a long time.  They are finally getting his pain medicine regulated.  Tuesday he was feeling better then he has in a while.  No nausea and not too much pain.  Then in the early afternoon he was off to radiation treatment. After he got home the nausea hit and he hasn't felt to well since. He has had nausea most of the time since then.  He sees a doctor Thursday, hopefully they can give him something besides the medicine he has right now to help.  

Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. - Willis Family

Monday, March 7, 2011

Devin's Story

Devin was recently diagnosed with Stage Four Esophageal Cancer. This was a huge surprise to his friends and family and everyone that knows and loves him.

As a longtime employee of Prosper Inc, Devin's presence is felt in every major part of our business. He helped pioneer the Customer Service Department which has blessed the lives of tens of thousands of people across the world. His good nature and optimism helped shape our culture of "Helping People Prosper".

Devin's personal motto is to "leave people better than you find them". Certainly, we've all felt his love and attention as he's consistantly helped us to become better people. He has dedicated his life to his family, friends and co-workers ensuring that those around him are happy.

Now it is our time to dedicate our love and support to Devin and his family. We've set up an account where all donations will go directly to his wife, Julie, and will be used to support his cancer treatments and hospital bills. These donations will also help to empower his family financially while Devin is working on his goal of recovery.

There are two ways to donate to help Devin:

(1) Email Prosper's representative at pr@prospercorp.com to let us know your pledge amount. This number will be deducted from your next paycheck. (This option is for Prosper Employees).

(2) Pledge financial support online by visiting http://pledgie.com/campaigns/14720. You will be using PayPal for this transaction.

Together we can make a difference in Devin's life.


Dear Friends & Family of Devin

Welcome to Devin's blog. We've created it to keep friends and family updated on Devin.

Visit often to read the latest entries, post a comment, or donate to help his family.

The Prosper Family